Monday, September 28, 2009


Individual VS. State: Ismene "I do not defy them; but i cannot act against the state. I am not strong enough."
Conscience VS. Law: Antigone "He has no right to keep me from my own."
Blind See: Teiresais: When i hace said my all. Thus, to your face, Fearful of nothing youcan do to me: Then man for whom you have ordered hue and cry, the killer of Laius - that man is here; Passing for an alien, a sojourner here among us; but, as presently chall appear, a Theban born, To his cost. He that came seeing, bling shall he go; Rcih now, then beggar; stick-in-hand, groping is way to a land of exile; brother, as it shall be shown, and father at once, to the children he cherishes; son, and husband, to the woman who bore him; father-killer, and father-supplanter.
Go in, and think on this.
When you can prove me wrong, then call me blind.
Loyality: Antigone: Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not? I shall never desert him, never.

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