Monday, September 28, 2009

Tragic Man

1. Oedipus believes in his own freedom by knowing he makes the rules and has the powers to make all the choices. He made all the claims that he would have the person banished or killed for whoever killed Laius. It ended up being him and he cut his eyes out and banished himself.

2. His Supreme pride or Hubris is outstanding because after all the things they were saying he still claimed that he didn't do and that they were lying and the profecies weren't true.

3. He suffering was terrible because he knew that it was the right thing to do at the time.


Individual VS. State: Ismene "I do not defy them; but i cannot act against the state. I am not strong enough."
Conscience VS. Law: Antigone "He has no right to keep me from my own."
Blind See: Teiresais: When i hace said my all. Thus, to your face, Fearful of nothing youcan do to me: Then man for whom you have ordered hue and cry, the killer of Laius - that man is here; Passing for an alien, a sojourner here among us; but, as presently chall appear, a Theban born, To his cost. He that came seeing, bling shall he go; Rcih now, then beggar; stick-in-hand, groping is way to a land of exile; brother, as it shall be shown, and father at once, to the children he cherishes; son, and husband, to the woman who bore him; father-killer, and father-supplanter.
Go in, and think on this.
When you can prove me wrong, then call me blind.
Loyality: Antigone: Is he not my brother, and yours, whether you like it or not? I shall never desert him, never.